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Physical design

 Below are the steps in the physical design  1) Pin placement and floorplan 2) placement of standard cells  3) clock tree synthesis  4) routing  5)  Signoff Floorplan and pin placement  Inputs for floorplan 1) netlist 2) dbs or libs 3) tech file  4) sdc constraints 5) lef file   Sanity checks for floorplan  1) check library it will check consistency between timing libs and physical libraries  2) check timing it will check if constraints are applied properly or not like clock is available or not , input delay or output delay is applied  or not, timing exceptions like false path, multicycle is applied or not also half cycle path or false path .  3 check netlist check if there is undriven  pin or not , Unloaded output ,multi driven pin or not and combinational loop is there or not  After sanity check we move to floorplan guide lines  1) there should be macro to macro spacing based on the channel spacing formula...
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Library exchange format(LEF) and Design exchange format (DEF)

LEF /DEF Library exchange format has information about standard cells and technology . LEF can be divided into two parts a)CELL LEF b)Technology LEF Note Technology LEF is read first and after that CELL LEF is read . Cell lef has following information . [VERSION statement] [BUSBITCHARS statement] [DIVIDERCHAR statement] [VIA statement] ... [SITE statement] [MACRO statement [PIN statement] ... [OBS statement ...] ] ... [BEGINEXT statement] ... [END LIBRARY] [VERSION statement] Version information specifies that what is the version of LEF /DEF format. [BUSBITCHARS "delimiterPair" ;] Specifies the pair of characters used to specify bus bits when LEF names are mapped to or from other databases. The characters must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For example: BUSBITCHARS "[]" ; Busbitchars means that all the commands will be specified between [] Divider Character [DIVIDERCHAR "character" ;] this information used for...

Applications of OPAMP

Circuit Diagram of Voltage regulator and its waveform Circuit diagram of Comparator and its waveform

OPAMP Designing

Two stage compensated CMOS Op-Amp and its applications (Voltage regulator and Comparator) ABSTRACT This paper describes the designing and simulation of various parameters of-Two stage compensated Op-Amp using with high gain, high PSRR, high CMRR and low power. Circuit is applied to operate at lower supply voltage (5V). Achievement of high gain around 90db, 60 degree phase margin for stable closed loop operations were the goal of primary concern.   Simulation had been carried out using Pspice Orcad simulator .    1.Introduction  Op-Amp is among today’s most widely used circuit blocks. They can be used to realize summers, integrators, attenuators, comparators, differentiators etc. An Op-amp is a high-gain differential input amplifier. Various characteristics of Op-Amp include high CMRR, high PSRR and a high Slew Rate. Commonly used configuration for CMOS Op-Amp is the two stage amplifier. A differential front end which converts a differential voltage ...