LEF /DEF Library exchange format has information about standard cells and technology . LEF can be divided into two parts a)CELL LEF b)Technology LEF Note Technology LEF is read first and after that CELL LEF is read . Cell lef has following information . [VERSION statement] [BUSBITCHARS statement] [DIVIDERCHAR statement] [VIA statement] ... [SITE statement] [MACRO statement [PIN statement] ... [OBS statement ...] ] ... [BEGINEXT statement] ... [END LIBRARY] [VERSION statement] Version information specifies that what is the version of LEF /DEF format. [BUSBITCHARS "delimiterPair" ;] Specifies the pair of characters used to specify bus bits when LEF names are mapped to or from other databases. The characters must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For example: BUSBITCHARS "[]" ; Busbitchars means that all the commands will be specified between [] Divider Character [DIVIDERCHAR "character" ;] this information used for...